~ in alphabetical order ~
Chrissy from Adrelia’s Cosplay is a dear friend of mine and I rarely know anyone who’s making costumes in such a short time (6 weeks for the Mirror Queen from Brother’s Grimm – unbelievable!)
The lovely couple Thomas and Monika Brückl combine their passion for sci-fi and fantasy with their handicraft skills in the form of an online-shop for sci-fi, fantasy and decorative arts and an upholstery workshop.
Cosplay.com is a great platform to present costumes to an international public. You can find us there as well: Peter‘s and Mohmoh‘s costume portfolio.
The passionate dancer Maja and stuntman Ben Bergmann run Defcon Unlimited. The start-up of the charming couple offers live action promotion and performance on a superior level.
Dunedain Germany is a costuming group which portrays the Ithilien rangers of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Hipsterfangirlfashion is a fashion blog project about fandom fashion and casual cosplay. The three young ladies from HFF present you fashionable interpretations of your favorite characters from famous series, movies and books.
Jane from Jane Cosplay & Design is one of the most charming and beautiful ladies I’ve ever met. She’s such a lovely and talented young lady and does epic cosplays.
Andreas Kinder is a photographer who is keen on taking pictures of costumed people and landscapes.
Jessica Schamma is a dear friend of mine and helped me creating this website. She’s a internet ‘veteran’ (online and cosplaying since 1994, own homepage since 1998 and blogging since 2002) and has created some really epic costumes.
Sven L. Weber from Tygron Design is a dear friend of mine and a very talented tailor. I admire his costume designs and love to attend his workshops. Most of my costumes are made in cooperation with him.